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This year, Tiroth brought a new treasure he'd picked up in Knotside. A wand, carefully grown and enchanted from a single sprig of holly. His friends were already at the bar talking to the locals and swapping stories, but Reh sat there waiting for him at the same table as last year.

He came over and laid the branch on the table. Its berries were a brilliant red and seemed to glow with magic all their own.

"You know, Reh, I'm not always one for a party, but I thought this year we'd try something new."

The half-orc smiled a wry grin. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

With a flourish, Tiroth picked up the wand and pointed it slowly at the barbarian, Yorik, and uttered a single word. He winked back at Reh.

Mid-gulp of his mead, Yorik rose from his stool and began to dance. At first his face was confused, scared, and then livid. After a moment, though, seeing the expressions of his fellow tavern-goers, his expression softened and grew into a smile, then laughter.

Tiroth took out his water flask and passed the wand over it briefly before pouring it out into two empty cups. He handed one to Reh.

"Wine? When did you get this? Were you holding out on us?"

Tiroth merely winked once again before turning back to watch Yorik continue to dance. His spell was over, but the hulking brute of a man continued on his own. Before long, others began to dance along with him.

Tiroth looked back at Reh. "Hey. Happy holidays again, Reh. I love you."

She looked back at the tiefling, her eyes soft. "You too, my demonheart. Happy holidays."

They sat there, singing along with the crowd and, eventually, joining in the dance.



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