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Personality Traits.  Kind and excessively generous, Pancho is a lone druid with only good intentions.

Ideals. The health of my family and forest are what gives my aging body purpose.

Fears. My bloodline can always come back to imprison me if I’m not careful.

Quirks. Hums often and chirps at birds.

Secret. Pancho was the sole son of a royal family but fell in love and fled with an elven woman before inheriting the throne. He has since spent his life avoiding society and lives with his now wife and half-elven daughter, whom he refers to as his daughter-in-law and granddaughter to strangers.

d6 |   Magic Item

1    |    Merry berry 

2    |    Dryadleaf 

3    |    Tub of churning and fermentation 

4    |    Trident of the dryad 

5    |    Staff of the four seasons 

6    |    Spire seed 



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