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Wondrous item, uncommon

This large wooden box weighs 25 pounds and is 3 feet long and both 2 feet deep and tall. It has rugged ropes on its left and right sides as well as on the top of its lid. The left and right sides of the box are covered by enchanted slabs of stone that magically keep the contents on the inside of the box at a consistent 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The box can hold up to 10 gallons of liquid, 24 rations, or a Small or smaller creature. A living creature inside the box can break free from it following a successful DC 10 Strength check.

While the box's lid is closed and its latch is shut, you can use an action to speak the box's command word to shrink it and its contents down to a more portable size. The weight of the box and its contents is halved while it's reduced in this way and measures a mere 1 foot long by 8 inches deep and tall. You can speak the box's command word again to return it to its normal size. Opening the latch, whether by choice or by force from the inside, immediately returns the box and its contents to its full size and weight. A living creature can't be reduced in size in this way and forces the lid and latch to open if the box becomes too small for them.

Come one, come all! Take your favorite food to go! On a hike, on a walk through town, wherever! Your meals deserve to be cold wherever you find yourself here in the Everglacier!



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