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Hey Heroes! Below is the first iteration of the Blood Whip that we made on stream last week. Thank you for hanging out and discussing mechanics! It was a lot of fun.

A reminder that the next stream will be Monday, November 18th. The next vote will be the 17th!  I'm on vacation (but still releasing content!) during the next two weeks' normal times, so I'll see you then!

Scarlet Scourge
Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement)

This whip is made from the severed vertebrae of a slain vampire's victims. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The whip siphons blood from creatures that it hits. Whenever you hit a Small or larger creature with the whip, the bone blade at its end absorbs some of its blood and gains 1 charge. The whip can hold up to 10 charges and loses its charges whenever you complete a short or long rest. While holding the whip, you can use a bonus action to speak its command word to convert these charges into healing energy. When you do, the whip loses all its charges and you regain 2 hit points for each charge lost.

For every 5 charges the whip has, the muscle fibers that hold it together loosen and add 5 feet to the weapon's reach.

You will never escape my reach, mortal. While my thirst cannot be put to rest, you can be.

Hey Heroes! I'm live! Come hang out and let's make the Blood Whip together!


See you there!

Hey heroes!

Let's do a spooky vampire-themed item this week! Using your suggestions, I've put together the item ideas below. These are just ideas, and their finer mechanics can be revised during the livestream and during the balancing process.

This item will release later than usual. As I'm wrapping up the end of the first year, the items leading up to the 365th are already planned ahead of time and shouldn't be broken up. As a result, this will be the first item in Saddlebag year 2.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!


Blood whip — A hollow whip that siphons blood from its targets. As it fills, it gains charges, which can be expended for various vampiric effects.

Vampire's Light Shield — A buckler that absorbs nearby light, removing any weakness due to sunlight you may experience, and giving you resistance to radiant damage.

Count's Cravat — a silky neckerchief inlaid with a ruby to pin it in place. You gain the vampire's shapechanger trait (usable once per short rest). It can also be used to transform into a wolf in addition to its other forms. It's cursed, though, and forces you to sleep in an enclosed container.

Cast your vote and let's make something cool together! See you tonight!


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