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Hey Heroes!

Below is the first draft of the Ceratopper: your new one-stop shop for becoming the dinosaur you always wanted to as a kid. Its effects may change over the next few days as it goes through the balancing process, but this is your first look at this fun and powerful new item!

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This adamantine helm is fashioned in the likeness of a triceratops and decorated with painted designs. You have a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this helmet. In addition, if you move at least 20 feet towards a target and then attack them with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, you can choose to make a special attack using the helmet instead of the weapon. The helmet deals 3d4 piercing damage and uses Strength for its attack and damage rolls, and you are proficient with it. If you hit and the target is no more than one size larger than you, it must also succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

In addition, while you wear this helmet, you can use an action to cast the polymorph spell on yourself to transform into a triceratops. This property of the helmet can't be used again until 2 days have passed.

He donned the helm and stared down his muscled foe.

One step. Two steps. Three. Four.

He was running now, fully bounding between paces. The adrenaline was coursing through his system and he could feel the thrill of the incoming impact.

A crunch, and then laughter.

The hulking orc still stood before him, towering and imposing as ever. The helm pierced his armor, but the orc's resolve stood stronger than his.

"IS THAT BEST MAN CAN DO? PUNY." The orc chortled with a sneer. He made no move the retaliate.

The man pulled back and replied, his voice shaking with his panting breath, "Perhaps...it is. Maybe this...can do...better."

His form began to twist and reform itself. His skin bubbled and hardened into a scaled armor. What was once a puny man was now an indominable monster of prehistoric proportions: a triceratops.

With an earth-shaking roar, the newly formed titan bore down again on the orc: his smirk now a look of deep horror and regret.

Hey Heroes!

I'm live! Come hang out with me as we make the Triceratops Helm!


Hey heroes!

Let'ssss do ssssomething related to reptilessss! Using your suggestions, I've put together the item ideas below. Rarities can be subject to change!

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

Item Ideas

Viperscale Armor
Armor (scale mail), rare (requires attunement)..
A fine scale mail from deadly vipers. You have resistance to poison damage and can cast polymorph once a day transform into any Large or smaller snake. If you are grappled when you do, you automatically succeed on the saving throw to escape it.

Triceratops Helm
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
A heavy metal helmet with three large horns. +1 bonus to AC. When you run 20 feet straight toward a target, you can lower your head and make a melee weapon attack to ram into it, dealing (probably) 2d6 + Strength piercing damage on a hit. If you hit a target no more than one size larger than you, it has to succeed on a contested Strength throw or be knocked prone. You can cast polymorph targeting only yourself to transform into a (freaking) triceratops once every two days.

Goggles of the Snake Tamer
Wondrous item, rare
Worn by the snakesingers of Rabaad, these goggles allow you to cast the hypnotic pattern spell once a day (DC 15) and give you advantage on saving throws to resist becoming poisoned or charmed.

See you tonight! Let's make something cool together!


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