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Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This large tree seed is 1 foot long and surrounded in a protective cone. If you're attuned to seed and plant the cone in soil, it takes root and begins to rapidly grow. It takes 1 month for the seed to fully grow. If you are dead for more than 1 minute or are on another plane of existence than the seed for more than 1 day while it grows, the tree dies and the seed is destroyed.

The stem of the seed's cone is vaguely key-shaped. When planted, the stem breaks off in your hand. While you're attuned to the seed, the stem magically remains on your person at all times.

Once fully grown, the spire tree is 300 feet tall with a 20-foot radius. It tapers gently inward towards the top of the tree. At the base of this magic tree is a door large enough for Medium creatures to enter. The door is guarded by a dryad who is loyal to you and any creature you choose. The dryad accepts the seed's stem as proof of ownership and uses it as a key to open the door. Once opened, your attunement to the seed ends, the tree belongs to you, and both you and other allies you designate to the dryad can enter and leave the tree at will. Your attunement to the seed does not end if you are more than 100 feet away from it, and can only be ended early by a wish spell. If it does, the key disintegrates and the door cannot be opened.

Inside the tree are 10 floors. You choose how to distribute the floors throughout the tree. A wooden spiral staircase climbs upward through the center of the tree and floors. Each floor has 10 small windows that can't be seen from outside the tree. In addition, the interior of the tree can't be the target of divination magic or entered by teleportation or by extradimensional or interplanar means.

The canopy of the tree extends 30 feet beyond the base of the tree. Soil beneath the tree's canopy is exceptionally rich and fertile.

The tree has 500 hit points, immunity to damage from nonmagical weapons that aren't siege weapons, and resistance to siege weapons and all other damage. The door has 100 hit points instead. The tree regains 1d6 lost hit points every day after taking damage. If a part of the tree, such as the door, is destroyed, a new one regrows after 7 days.

If the tree is attacked, it immediately creates a treant at its base to defend it. Roll initiative for the treant, which has its own turns and does its best to defend the tree. Once a treant is created in this way, a new one can't be created until the following dawn. A treant disappears after 24 hours, and there can only be one summoned treant at a time. Neither the treant nor the dryad can move farther than 1 mile from the tree. If the dryad is slain, it reappears the following dawn at the base of the tree. If you kill the dryad, the tree becomes a nonmagical tree that is still hollow inside with the floors you'd chosen, but its windows are lost.

The tree creates another spire seed once every 100 years.

"Back in the old days, every family had a tree like this. Only when man emerged, and with their merciless greed for land and resources stood at the edges of our homes, did we have to give them up. Now the Spire Trees are few and far between, and protecting them, passing on their seeds only to the trustworthy, is our greatest responsibility."- Archdruid Tiren Delduwa.



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