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Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This tough dragon scale robe is miraculously insulated and comfortable. While wearing the robe, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection.
  • Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of 22.
  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
  • You have resistance to fire damage.
  • You can walk on lava as if it were solid ground, without taking fire damage from it. Ending your turn on lava causes you to sink into it and take fire damage as normal.

The hem of this robe glimmers with slowly shifting embers. While wearing this robe, your steps leave behind small motes of magical fire and scorched earth. The flames and marks left behind are harmless and disappear 1 second after they appear.

The dragon was calm and sedated. Disinterested in us. The giant plumes of smoke curling from his great nostrils smelled of liquor and soot. How terrified we were, to be in the presence of such a powerful creature only to have it so casually dash our bravest expectations. The molten lair swirled and vibrated with heat, and the only thing I found myself wanting—more than the dragon's hoard—was a nice, cold pint.



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