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Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon (requires attunement)

This thin, hollow quarterstaff has the finesse property and reverberates when it strikes a target. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a target with this weapon and roll the maximum amount of bludgeoning damage on the weapon's damage die, the hollow staff shudders and emits a deep, thunderous sound. When that happens, roll the weapon's damage die again and add it to the total damage of the attack. Extra damage added in this way is thunder damage.

Bam! "That was a D note."
Wham! "That one's an E."
Shing! "That's an A."
Thwang! "I'm actually not sure if that's an F or another D. Would you prefer D-E-A-F or D-E-A-D?
Either way, it's music to my ears."



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