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Armor (studded leather), very rare (requires attunement)

This dark, sea-soaked suit of armor smells of brine and is covered in eldritch runes. You have a +1 bonus to AC and can breathe normally underwater while wearing this armor.

You can use this armor to cast the black tentacles spell (save DC 15) while you're wearing it. This spell's area of effect becomes a 15-foot square centered on your location when you cast it in this way, and you are immune to its effects. The spell does not follow you when you move. When casting this spell in this way, it does not require concentration. Once this property of the armor has been used, it can't be used again until the following dusk.

"The man became shrouded in an inky mist, coalescing into physical tentacles that whipped and writhed around him. No one dared to approach or follow him after that. Jakre still has night terrors in the barracks."
—Excerpt from the diary of Guardsman Tren



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