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Hey heroes! Here's your preview of the Zafu of the Wandering Mind! This will go through the standard pre-release balancing pass and be released officially on Tuesday next week! And remember: no workshop next week! I'll be enjoying some waves and sun, but will be right back to the workshop the following week!

Zafu of the Wandering Mind
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a monk)

This soft, elaborately stitched pillow set focuses the intensity of your meditation. It takes 1 minute to settle into a meditation while on the pillows. You can hold a light conversation while meditating, but are otherwise unable to move or take actions as normal. While meditating in this way, you can choose to levitate yourself and the pillows up to 5 feet in the air (no action required). While you're within 100 feet of at least one of the pillows, can speak their command word as a bonus action to cause the pillows to be shunted into a special pocket dimension. Speaking the command word again in this way returns them softly to an empty space within 5 feet of you.

In addition, this pillow has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges each day at dawn. While meditating on the pillows, you can expend 1 charge to cast the arcane eye spell without breaking your meditation. You lose concentration on this spell when cast in this way if you end your meditation.

"Where I am bound by my body, my mind is not. Let me wander freely, and we will all be safer for it."

It's that time again, heroes! I'm going live on Youtube right now, so come hang out and let's make this new and exciting Monk item together!


(This is a reminder that there won't be a workshop next week: I'll be out of town, but still posting, without stream equipment!)

Hey heroes!

Thanks for the suggestions and votes! Monks came out in full force yesterday! Let's make something!

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

Remember that tonight's broadcast is free, so tell your friends!

Item Ideas

Loose ideas from the comments, both from those that suggested them as well as other non-related ones, have given me these three ideas we can work on tonight. Rarities at the end of the suggestion are projected rarities, but can change if the scope of the item changes over the course of the workshop.

•  Staff of the Spectral Fist — A staff that lets a monk cast the mage hand spell. The monk can also cast it as part of using fury of blows, summoning the hand as a spectral fist that targets a creature within 30 feet of them. These fists would use a Wisdom spell attack bonus instead of a normal attack. The spectral hand could replace one or both of your attacks with flurry of blows. (rarity depends on any potential attack bonus, requires attunement by a monk)

•  Zafu of the Wandering Mind — A cushion that a monk can summon from a pocket dimension to sit on at will. If you meditate on the pillow for at least 1 minute, you can cast the arcane eye spell. The eye lasts for the spell's duration or until you stop meditating. Usable once a day. In addition, a monk can meditate on the pillow to fall into a deeply restful sleep, allowing them to gain the benefits of a long rest in half the time it would normally take. (rare, requires attunement by a monk)

Airstep Footwraps — When a monk uses Ki to take the Dash action or slow its fall, it also casts the levitate spell on them until the end of their turn. (uncommon, requires attunement by a monk)

See you tonight!


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