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Weapon (handaxe), very rare (requires attunement by a barbarian)

This elaborate weapon channels your bloodlust and adds your barbarian Rage Damage bonus even when it's thrown while you're raging. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, once on each of your turns when you're raging and you make a ranged attack with this weapon, you can choose to make another ranged attack with it against another target within 10 feet of the first. This second target can be beyond the handaxe's normal throwing range. When you make this special extra attack, the axe magically launches itself and spins wildly towards the new target.

Immediately after making a ranged attack, the weapon flies back to your hand.

Amidst the laughter were the cries of the dying. Was this a joyous occasion, or something tragic? Only the one with the cleaver would be left to tell.



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