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Hey Heroes!

Here's your first look at the Mask of the Pact Bearer. This will be added to Patreon on Tuesday of next week following any revision that this goes through until then. Thanks to everyone who came and hung out over the course of this stream and voted on the item's direction and mechanics!

Mask of the Pact Bearer
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a warlock)

This mask appears like a normal wooden mask before you attune to it. When you attune to this mask, your otherworldly patron's presence over you magically reshapes it to represent the visage of your patron. While you wear this mask, you can cast one spell from your patron's expanded spell list without expending a spell slot. The spell must be of a level you can normally cast and is cast at its lowest level. Once the mask has been used in this way, it can't be used again until the following dawn.

They used to say I was faking it, and that I didn't really have a guardian watching over me. Now they know that not only am I watched over, but that they are being watched as well.

And don't worry, I'll be sure to make these separate art and card files for you! Til next time, heroes!


I'm live! Come take part in this week's live workshop broadcast as I make this exciting new Warlock item illustration!



Hey heroes!

Another nail-biter of a race! In the end, our arcane occultists won out! This week we'll be making something for our Warlock friends out there to use on their adventures.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

Item Ideas

Loose ideas from the comments, both from those that suggested them as well as other non-related ones, have given me these three ideas we can work on tonight

Mask of the Pact Bearer — A mask whose shape changes to match the wearer's patron. While you wear it, you can cast one of your spells from the expanded spell list you get as part of your otherworldly patron's power without expending a spell slot.

Sickle of the Damned — A sickle that can be made two handed and given reach by using an action or as part of summoning it as a pact weapon. Deals bonus necrotic damage, and if you kill a humanoid creature with the sickle (read: scythe), you can create a Shadow from the corpse under your control. You can have only 1 active at a time, and after 1 hour (?) the shadow dissipates and moves on. Any creature that dies from the shadow's attack doesn't spawn a new shadow, but gives the shadow 2d6+2 temporary hit points instead.

Occult Concoction — A strangely shaped bottle of inky sludge from a hag's collection. You can shake the bottle and uncork it once a day to produce a random effect. The effects are a mixture of supportive and disastrous outcomes, with a slight leaning toward favorable ones. Regardless, it's creepy and gross. If the bottle was stolen or taken forcefully from the hag, roll a d20 each time you open the bottle. On a 1, the bottle shatters, and the hag it once belonged to reappears in its place.


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