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Ilra stopped talking when the door opened. The quill also stopped moving, as if caught doing something improper.

A wiry figure entered the dim room. His eyes were sunken and his beard untrimmed.

"How can I help you today, sir? No, not you, quill — Caspeerna !" The quill stopped mid-word and fell back onto the desk.

"Oh, this isn't the outhouse," said the stranger. He turned around and left without another word.

Ilra took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. He walked over to rest a hand on the quill again. "Caspeerna."

The quill leapt back to life and shook itself, like a dog who'd been pet in the wrong direction. "Sorry about that. I should re—no no no, don't write that! Oh come on! This is the third piece of parchment already! Caspeerna !"

The quill fell back to the desk once more. The page below it a mixture of grocery items and half-written conversations.



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