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Wondrous item, common

This small orb of silver, watery liquid is strangely dry to the touch. While holding the 1-inch diameter metallic sphere in the palm of your hand, you can mentally control the form that it takes as an action. The form stretches and turns into imagined shape no larger than the palm of your hand and remains centered there. The form returns to its natural orb state when you end your focus on the quicksilver clay (no action required) or it leaves your hand. Regardless of the form it takes, it is still a liquid.

Eating or drinking the liquid is harmless, but takes 1d4 days to exit the body.

"Excuse me, sir, have you seen this man?" The woman held up a small globe of silver that stretched and contorted to form the shape of a gaunt, hooded figure. "Any help would be appreciated."

The shopkeep pondered over the form for a moment before replying, "Ye, I seen 'em. What's it worf to ya?"

The woman rolled her eyes and pressed a pair of silver coins on the counter. She looked at the man expectantly. He took the coins.

"Came 'round 'ere yesterday afanoon. Was looking for a woman 'e said. Place was empty then, so 'e left. Saw 'im turn left out the door as 'e was leavin'."

The woman turned to leave, the small figure of the silvery man quickly transforming into a hand making a rude gesture before dropping into her palm again as a small, swirling ball of liquid metal.



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