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Thanks for hanging out last night, heroes!  Below is the initial draft of their functionality, which is subject to change between now and when they're officially added to the Saddlebag on Tuesday! 

Season Rings of the Feylord
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by an elf, half-elf, or other fey creature)

These wooden rings once belonged to a powerful fey creature who ruled over a domain on their native plane of existence. You must be wearing all four rings in order to attune to and use their magic. While wearing the rings, you know the druidcraft cantrip. In addition, you gain the elf's Trance racial feature if you don't already have it.

Season's Resistance. Each of the four rings has a corresponding season: autumn, spring, summer, or winter. Each ring contains 2 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn. You can expend 1 of a particular ring's charges as a reaction to gain a corresponding damage type resistance that lasts until the start of your next turn: autumn (necrotic damage resistance), spring (radiant damage resistance), summer (fire damage resistance), or winter (cold damage resistance).

Magic Resistance. Alternatively, you can expend any 2 charges from the rings as a reaction to gain advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects until the start of your next turn instead. 

Once a ring has no remaining charges, the small landscape adorning the top of it withers until the it regains charges the following dawn. 


Hey Heroes! I'm going live right now on Youtube to start making these Rings! Follow this link to get there! See you there!



Our first ever Runner-Up series is decided! Let's make something from the Feywild! Thank you for your votes and suggestions this week, heroes!

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

Item Ideas

Loose ideas from the comments, both from those that suggested them as well as other non-related ones, have given me these three ideas we can work on tonight:

The Feylord's Pike — A pike that changes its appearance and bonus damage type to match the seasons. A martial variation of the classic Staff of the Four Seasons. Perhaps a fun bit of randomness on a crit based on the value you roll on the d10 damage roll.

Wand of the Great Faerie — A wand that uses magic from the Feywild to create either day or moonlight, cast faerie fire, or fire chaos bolts (although not exactly, since chaos bolt isn't SRD) around to cause mayhem. Maybe some very light healing, but at the cost of rolling on a table for some other randomness or money.

Power Rings of the Four Seasons — A four-fingered ring set that can summon fey creatures (conjure animals) or call upon classic fey characteristics, such as advantage against charm and magical sleep effects, etc.  Each ring would feature a different seasonal pattern or aesthetic.

See you tonight! Let's make an item together!


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