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Thanks for coming out last night, heroes! It was a great time, and the gods of chance had us make a wand, seeing as it was a tie last night! This is the first iteration of the item and is subject to change between now and the official release, but I hope you like it! CC and feedback always welcome! Enjoy the Warmind Wand, heroes! You earned it!

Also, I don't think I told Patreon to email you with the link last night to the stream! That's entirely my fault, and I'll do my best to double check that in the following weeks! If you wanted to watch the making of this item, check the VoD below using the Youtube link!

Warmind Wand
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a half-orc)

This wand is made from the shattered hilt and jawbone of a defeated warband leader. It has 7 charges for the following properties and regains 1d6 + 1 expended each day at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand releases a small gasp of breath as its magic escapes it, leaving the wand a nonmagical and mundane sword hilt.

You can use the wand to command and bolster your allies using the following properties:

Warband Strike. When you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your attacks to use a bonus action and expend 1 charge to direct one of your allies to attack. When you do, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack. If the attack hits, it adds an extra 2d4 to the weapon's damage roll.

Battlecry. You can use a bonus action and expend 1 charge to bolster the resolve of one of your allies. When you do, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature gains 2d4 + 2 temporary hit points.

Forced Endurance. When a friendly creature other than you within 30 feet that can see and hear you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction and expend 2 charges to prevent that creature from falling unconscious and remain at 1 hit point instead. Once this property has been used on a creature, that creature can't benefit from it again until it completes a long rest.

Unyielding Critical. When a friendly creature other than you within 30 feet that can see and hear you scores a critical hit, you can use your reaction and expend 1 charge to amplify the brutality of the attack and add an extra 2d4 damage to the total of the attack's damage roll.

"By the blood of our enemies that have come before you, we will strike you, and those that follow you, down! Your skulls will be our trophies, and we will take pride in your defeat! To arms!" 


Thanks for your votes, everyone! We'll be making something tonight on stream, since this was a tie. Come hang out and participate using this exclusive Youtube link! We'll let the dice choose on stream what we make!



Another back and forth poll this week! Thanks for the votes, everyone!

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive YouTube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

For this week, we'll be making something Orcish. If you voted for the other options, don't worry! They can come back for other weeks in the future.

Loose ideas from the comments, both from those that suggested them as well as other non-related ones, have given me these three ideas we can work on tonight:

Plated Mantle of Gruumsh — A plated set of pauldrons and helm that channels the rage of Gruumsh, giving you a bonus to attacks after you've been hit by a critical hit. Perhaps letting you use your brutal critical racial feature following being attacked by a critical hit. Gruumsh isn't SRD, so I can't refer to him exactly, but we'd hint at it and cover one of the eyes of the helmet.

Bloodletter's Orcish Waraxe — A powerful greataxe that feasts on blood. Maybe a +2 bonus, and you take a point of damage each time you swing it. All your hits that connect are considered critical hits if you're at 10hp or below (and you stop taking those points of damage while below 10hp). Lasts until you fall unconscious the first time each day. Probably Rare/Very rare and requires attunement by a half-orc (or orc).

Warmind WandA grisly, brutal-looking orcish war tactician's wand that magically commands and unites your allies. Allows you to expend charges as a bonus action to use some of the Battlemaster's abilities like Commaner's Strike, as well as help from a range of 30 feet instead of needing to be adjacent to someone.



Everyone vote for all three so we have all three


"This my axe *Weeping Thorn*, tell it your woes, and it will sympathize."