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Here's the resulting art and writeup from this first exciting workshop! Thanks for coming out and chatting, everyone! This item will go through the balancing process before being added to the Saddlebag early next week, so it may change a bit between now and then! In the meantime, here's the Dragon Turtle Shield!

Dragon Turtle Shield
Armor (shield), rare 

This magical shield is made from a piece of reclaimed dragon turtle shell. The brass dragon turtle head sculpture adorning its front magically creates and heats a small reservoir of water that replenishes each day at dawn. When you take fire damage, you can use your reaction to speak the shield's command word to halve the fire damage you take and cause the shield to superheat the water inside. The superheated water is released as dense cloud of steam centered on a point adjacent to you, heavily obscuring the area in a 15-foot radius sphere that spreads around corners. The cloud does not move with you and lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.  

Once the shield releases steam in this way, its reservoir is emptied and can't be used again until it's magically refilled at dawn or is submerged in naturally-occurring salt water for at least 1 hour. 

Fear the ocean. Fear the fog. Fear me. 


Rewatch or catch up with the VoD!



What a tight poll that was this week! Thanks for the votes, everyone!

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EDT tonight with the exclusive youtube link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change!

For this first week, we'll be making something oceanic. If you voted for the other options, don't worry! They can come back for other weeks in the future.

Loose ideas from the comments, both from those that suggested them as well as other non-related ones, have given me these three ideas we can work on tonight:

Dragon Turtle shield, made of a portion of one of their shells. Potentially play off their steam breath feature when hit with fire damage.

• A Shipwright's maul that helps with ship maintenance and defense. Smash and bash pirates and repair your ship as needed. Currently a maul, but we can make it another kind of hammer if we choose.

• A staff made of bright, sharp coral that can create walls of coral and similar magical effects like control water and water breathing. Could be a staff, could be something else!

Let's make something! See you tonight!


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