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Wondrous item, common

This violet piece of parchment is smooth and pleasant to write on. You can speak the parchment's command words "lock" or "unlock" as a bonus action to lock or unlock the parchment, respectively. While locked, the sheet cannot be destroyed or damaged by nonmagical means, and any ink already on the page can't be removed, smeared, or otherwise changed without the use of magic. New ink added to a locked sheet of the parchment runs off the page like water. While unlocked, the parchment behaves like a nonmagical sheet of paper.

While unlocked, you can speak the command word "clear" to cause any ink on the sheet of paper to magically evaporate without leaving any marks behind.

The language the parchment's command words must be spoken in is determined by the creator of the parchment.

"Actomn! F'reyna! Yhhran!" the woman shouted at the paper. She touched the tip of a quill to the page and watched as the ink slipped off without leaving a mark.

"That's it," she said, "that's the rest of the ones I know. Oggro, I don't suppose you know any other languages, do you?"

Oggro, the hulking, shirtless barbarian looked up from the campfire. "Have you tried talking to it like a normal person yet?"

The woman's face went pale.

"Unlock," she whispered this time. Her quill hesitantly touched the paper again. The ink stayed.

She held her head in her hands as her companions began to laugh.



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