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Hey heroes! Thanks for tuning into the livestream yesterday, if you could!

There are three new items coming down the line for use in a collaborative package that will be released for free in the near future between me and two other outstanding D&D Patreon creators. My question to you is this:

Should free items like these be included in the Saddlebag?

Should these be official entries in the Ledger, as cards from the Deck of Many, and have a place in the eventual book? Or...

Should these exist outside of the Saddlebag as their own separate product?

Let me know what you think!

Here are the items, too, so you know what would be included! (Subject to further balance passes).

Cactus Mace
Weapon (mace), uncommon

This magical weapon's head is an enchanted cactus that rapidly regrows its missing needles. The first target hit by this weapon on each of your turns takes an extra 1d4 piercing damage from the attack.

It also sounds like rain if you turn it upside down. 

Sandstorm Dancer
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) 

This golden cloak billows illusory sand around you when you walk or cast a spell. The cloak has 8 charges and regains 1d6+2 expended charges each day at dawn. While wearing the cloak, you can expend a 1 or more charges to cast the following spells using the cloak (save DC 15): blur (2 charges), call lightning (3 charges), create or destroy water (1 charge), or hallucinatory terrain (4 charges).

I feel the heat of the desert wind. I feel the warmth of the unrelenting sun. I feel the fire of a battle worth winning. 

Weapon (rapier), very rare (requires attunement) 

This item appears to be a sword hilt that has a small hole on either end of it. The hilt is made of clear quartz and contains an hourglass with sand inside it. Despite the holes on the hilt, the sand never seems to flow out of the hourglass. You can speak the hilt's command word as a bonus action to cause it to form a thin blade made of sand at its end. The hourglass spills sand from the bottom of the hilt that circulates up and around to form the guard and blade of the rapier before it returns to the hourglass again through the hole at the top of the hilt. You can speak the hilt's command word again to cause all the sand to return to the hourglass. While the blade is formed, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. 

While holding the hilt, you can use it to cast the haste or slow spell with a save DC of 16. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws you make in order to maintain concentration on a spell cast in this way. Once a spell has been cast using the hilt, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the following dawn. The sands in the hourglass move quickly while you concentrate on a haste spell cast in this way, or more slowly when you concentrate on a slow spell.

Time's up.

So? What do you think? Let me know in the polls if free items have a place in the Saddlebag!


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