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Wondrous item, uncommon

This black sugar paste cookie is made using a grim recipe passed down through generations of clerics devout to gods of death. Inside this hollow cookie is an enchanted piece of blank paper whose writing is revealed upon breaking the cookie The writing on the paper attempts to predict the cause of death for the creature who opened it. When you open this cookie, roll a d20 and use the table below to determine the paper's prediction.

Once a creature's fortune has been predicted this way, all future doomsday cookie papers will predict the same outcome for them. If a creature dies in a way foretold by the cookie (at your DM's discretion) the cookie's paper transforms into a scroll of revivify. This scroll can only be used on the creature whose passing it foretold. If the scroll is unused within 1 minute, it crumbles into dust.

Regardless of its grim foretellings, the cookie itself is a delicious snack that is sweet, salty, and smoky.

Your unlucky numbers are 13, 13, 13 and 13.



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