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Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

This roughly hewn crystalline sword bends light in unexpected and dangerous ways. As an action, you can command the scimitar to emit up to 2 ghostly projections of itself. The sword can have up to 2 of these projections at any time, which last until dismissed (no action required). When you make a melee attack with this weapon, the projections become razor-sharp. Targets hit by the sword take an extra 1d4 slashing damage for each projection the sword has.

When swung, the distorted light and projections make the sword difficult to see. When you miss with a melee attack using the sword while it has at least 1 projection, you can choose to reroll the attack by expending 1 of the projections. You must use the new roll. After the attack, 1 projection fades.

The sword emits dim light in a 5-foot radius while it has 1 projection and 10 feet while it has 2. Sheathing the scimitar contains the projections' light without dismissing them.

The light danced off the crystal's edge. And then twice more.



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