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Ring, rare

Each of these three signets is decorated with the carving of a skull and a pair of skeletal hands that cover either its eyes (blindness), ears (deafness), or mouth (in an area of silence). Each ring has 1 charge, which it regains each day at dawn. If you are wearing the corresponding signet when you are blinded, deafened, or in an area of magical silence, you can expend 1 charge from the ring (no action required) to be cured of the condition or to speak a word or sentence (such as a verbal arcane components) that can be heard through the magical silence. Wearing the rings together as a set combines their collective charges: potentially allowing you to use one of the ring's properties multiple times.

"I will see what I please. Listen to what I please. And say what I please. I will see that you die, hear you take your last breath, and sing over your grave."



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