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Heroes! Exciting times for the Saddlebag!

Firstly, item cards are now available for preorder! Each pack of 50 tarot-sized item cards is $21.99, with the first 2 packs' expected ship date is in early August! These are produced and shipped by The Deck of Many, whose awesome line of cards made it a perfect match for The Griffon's Saddlebag

Second, The Griffon's Saddlebag is officially a partner of the Eldritch Foundry, a huge up-and-coming contender in the 3d-printed D&D miniature market. Through this partnership, you'll be able to design your own unique miniature for your game and equip it with items directly from the Saddlebag. 3d-printed and shipped directly to you!

You can order your item cards right now through the Deck of Many:

And you can get an early bird discount on your 3d-printed miniature through the Eldritch Foundry by supporting them on Kickstarter! Their $30k goal has been met in just over 2 hours, so there's lots to look forward to!

Until next time, heroes, keep on adventuring!



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