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Wondrous item, common

This friendly copper cup changes the flavor of water that's poured into it. As a bonus action, you can whisper the name of a fruit into the mouth of the cup. If the cup is filled with water, its color and flavor change to resemble the kind of juice the fruit makes when juiced. Uttering the name of another fruit into the cup changes its flavor and color again. Regardless of its appearance and flavor, the water is still only water. Shouting into the cup instead causes the juice to effervesce and bubble. If the water is poisoned, the drink tastes foul and badly fermented.

Uorik, the famously barbaric Dwarven warmaiden, had lost her tolerance to alcohol following her battle with the Wretch Witch of the Festerwood. Still searching for the comradery found only in the worst of taverns, she "commissioned" a local enchanter for the first of these now famous cups. Tales of her bar brawls live on, always ending with the dwarven victor screaming a battle cry of "GOODBERRY" into her cup. Even today, some taverns keep a jug of goodberry juice on hand to pour out to the victor of a friendly brawl.

Knowing this, it's always a little strange to see a toddler running around with one of these copper cups in their hands.



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