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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a ranger)

This wooden quiver can carry your arrows as well as provide some of its own. The quiver grows 1d3+1 thorned arrows along its edge each day at dawn and can hold up to 4 of them at any time. While you're attuned to the quiver, these arrows are magical and give a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls that you make with them. Once it hits a target, the arrow is no longer magical.

When you fire one of these magic arrows and hit a target, you can speak the quiver’s command word to cause the arrow to grow explosively into thick, unforgiving briars: casting the spike growth spell at the point of impact. If the arrow hit a creature, that creature also takes an extra 2d4 piercing damage from the attack. Spike growth cast in this way does not require concentration, but only lasts until the start of your next turn. 

The forest is as beautiful as it is vengeful.



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