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Hail, heroes!

First of all, thank you so much. Your support means the world to me. We all play heroes and villains in our various games, but you're all my heroes in real life. Thank you for helping me have a budding career that I cherish every single day.

So now that our first goal of $3,000 a month has been met, you can expect to see commissions opening on May 1st. In fact, I'll be posting a secret link a day early - exclusively for patrons - so that you can have first dibs.

So how's it gonna work?

The website (which is ready but in a holding pattern) has a button to order a commission. Commissions will be released in monthly batches of 15 and will cost $70 USD apiece. This means that each month there will be only 15 commission slots available, so set your calendars! I will be adding commission slots at noon EST/EDT (GMT-4/5) on the first of each month.

That said, I'll be letting patrons get early access on April 30th for the May slots! Keep your eyes peeled on your emails!

Once you order a commission, you'll automatically get a link in your email with a Google Form for you to fill out. You can update the form at any time up until I start / finish your piece. You must provide the item's mechanics and descriptions. You'll get your item illustration in your email once it's ready, including an exclusive print-ready item card of your commission!

I'll be posting your commissions to Instagram as stories. These aren't official items from the Saddlebag, so they'll remain separate, but you can leave your handles in the form and I'll gladly tag you in them. Or, if you want to keep it off social media, there's an option for that too. 

Some quick clarifications:

Right now I estimate that I have enough bandwidth to do an extra 15 illustrations a month  considering that you'll be providing the mechanics and descriptions of them. That said, I have to reserve the ability to increase rates or decrease the supply each month if my estimates turn out wrong. Lastly, remember that these are item illustrations, so I won't be drawing characters or the like.

Again, thank you for making this possible for me. You're the best bosses I've ever had, and I'm so fortunate to be able to make this a reality. Seeing these items make their way into your games is so affirming for me. You're my heroes.

Until next time!





I can't wait for this!