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Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a paladin)

The Inner Ring. This powerful ring is made of an enchanted gold blessed by a god of life and healing. While you are attuned to the ring and are wearing it, you can use your Lay On Hands ability on an ally within 10 feet of you instead of needing to touch them.

The Outer Ring. The inner, golden ring has a second silver puzzle ring encircling it. The silver puzzle ring is made of three powerfully enchanted bands that, when fit together in an elaborate and ever-changing puzzle, cause you to emanate a 30-foot aura that heals and supports your allies. As an action, you can make an Intelligence check to try and solve one of the three puzzles in a fixed order.

  • The first band slides into place following a successful DC 5 Intelligence check. Once solved, you begin to emit the ring's aura. The aura lasts for 1 minute and is always centered on you. While you emit this aura, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause a creature within the aura (including you) to regain 2d6 hit points.
  • The second band is solved following a successful DC 10 Intelligence check. When it slides into place, the aura's strength increases. Nonhostile, living creatures in the aura that start their turn with 0 hit points immediately regain 1 hit point. In addition, creatures within the radius have resistance against necrotic damage, and their hit point maximum can't be reduced.
  • The third and final band is solved following a successful DC 15 Intelligence check. When the band fits into place to complete the puzzle, the aura's power is maximized. Allied creatures within the aura have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects, and if succeeding on a saving throw in this way would normally cause the allied creature to take half damage, they take no damage instead.

The aura ends early if you take off the ring or fall unconscious. Once the effects end, you cannot activate the outer ring again until 1 day has passed for each band that you solved. If you solve all 3 bands to complete the puzzle ring, you can reduce the number of days you need to wait by 1d3. On a 3, you can dismantle and begin to reassemble the puzzle ring immediately after the aura fades. 

"The mystery of life is convoluted. Ever changing. No two people or moments are the same. It's an exhausting conundrum of emotion and circumstance, but when you solve it, it's worth it every time."

- Al'hazar, Grand Knight of the Order of Preservation



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