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Ring, common

This little bronze ring is embossed with a rooster's head at its center. Tapping the ring to a non-hostile chicken or rooster's beak causes it to stay within 5 feet of that location and remain quiet for up to 8 hours. The chicken or rooster lets out a cry after 8 hours have passed or if it sees another beast or humanoid it hasn't seen before. If the creature is forced to move, it will remain in the new location for the rest of the effect's duration. The chicken or rooster has a magically enhanced passive perception of 13 and a +3 bonus to Wisdom (perception) checks made while under the ring's effect. It has 1 hit point and can be heard out to 150 feet when it lets out a cry. Only one creature can be under the effects of this magical ring at any time. Tapping the ring to the chicken or rooster's beak again before the duration is over ends the effect early.




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