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Rod, very rare (requires attunement by a druid)

This simple, springy rod is made of twisting vines and twigs. While attuned to the rod, you can expend 1 use of your wild shape feature as a bonus action to activate it. The rod stays active for a number of hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down).

When you activate the rod and again on subsequent turns as a bonus action while the rod is active, you can transform the rod into a bludgeoning or piercing weapon of your choice that has neither the loading nor reach property. You’re proficient with this weapon and can use Wisdom as your modifier for its attack and damage rolls instead of Dexterity or Strength. A weapon that uses ammunition magically creates its own. Alternatively, you can transform switch back into its rod form if you so choose. Regardless of the weapon you make, targets hit by it take an extra 1d8 damage of the weapon’s type. If the weapon you create has the light property, you can make a weapon attack with it using a bonus action.

While the rod is activated, you can use an action to expend a second use of your wild shape feature and extend the rod’s barked exterior to your body. This tree-like armor can take on any form that you choose. You gain temporary hit points equal to 4 times your Druid level, and your armor class can’t be lower than 16 while the rod is active. Using this property of the activated rod does not extend its remaining duration.

Switch becomes inactive at the end of its duration, you fall to 0 hit points, or end it early as a bonus action. When it’s inactive, it reverts to its normal rod form.

Nature is coursing, twisting: always changing. Why would I wield anything other than nature in its purest form?



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