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Wondrous item, uncommon

This delicious gum comes in packs of 5 and can be blown into large, levitating bubbles 1 foot on a side. You need to chew a piece of this gum for 1 minute before its magic can be used. Once it’s been chewed for at least 1 minute, you can use an action while the gum is in your mouth to blow a single bubble with it. Once you do, you’re considered to be under the effects of the levitate spell as if you’d cast it so long as the bubble stays in your mouth. While the effect doesn’t require you to concentrate on a spell, it does end early and cause you to fall if the bubble takes any damage. The effect ends on its own after 10 minutes, allowing you and the bubble to float gently down to the ground if you’re still afloat. The gum becomes nonmagical, albeit still delicious, once this bubble’s effect ends.

You can blow this bubble and remove it from your mouth as an action and place it on another creature or object within 5 feet of you. When you do, that creature or object rises 20 feet, vertically, as if under the effects of the levitate spell. An unwilling creature must succeed on a Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check contested by your Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check to resist having the bubble stuck to them. Creatures and objects floating in this way can’t change their altititude without popping the bubble.

Float with delight, today!



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