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Weapon (trident), rare (requires attunement)

This massive utensil comes from the table of a frost giant. Latent jotun magic flows through this make-shift trident and drives your hunger to nearly aggressive levels. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using the trident, you can immediately make a bite attack against that same creature as a bonus action. Your jaws and teeth are fortified to have the strength of a giant, allowing this bite attack to deal 1d6 piercing damage. You are proficient with this bite attack and use Strength as your ability modifier for it.

Curse. While you’re attuned to this weapon, your hunger is almost insatiable. You‘re overwhelmingly compelled to eat twice the amount of food you normally would, and incur 1 level of exhaustion if you go a day without eating enough.


Best for revenge and other dishes best served cold.



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