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Ring, rare

This ring’s tiny chains rotate slowly around your finger while worn. Whenever you are affected by a spell that restores hit points such as cure wounds or healing word, you can use your reaction to reattempt the saving throw against an enchantment spell that’s currently affecting you.

Shatter Enchantment. When you’re targeted by an enemy enchantment spell or fail a saving throw against one, you can use your reaction to weaken the enchantment’s grip on you and other allies within 10 feet of you: allowing you and nearby allies to roll the enchantment’s saving throw with advantage. Once you use this feature, it can’t be used again until 1d4 days have passed.

He felt the arcane influence sink in around him, only to be suddenly broken. He shook his head to clear it. The air tasted metallic. His senses returned, he exchanged glances with his allies before turning his attention back to their foe before them. The elven enchantress' face darkened with frustration. She raised her hand again, and the party charged forth.



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