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Weapon (crossbow, hand), rare

This curious contraption is in fact a small, surreptitious hand crossbow that can be worn on a wrist or forearm without requiring a free hand to use it. On the first turn of combat, you can immediately use your reaction to fire the weapon at a creature you can see within range. If you don’t fire the crossbow in this way, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn to make a single ranged attack with it instead.

In order to use this crossbow, you must also wear two rings on adjacent fingers. One ring carries a thin but flexible string that connects to the firing mechanism of the crossbow. The second ring is equipped with a very small but functional blade that’s used to sever the first’s string. When the string is severed, the crossbow fires. It takes 1 minute to reset the crossbow and rings.

"Sometimes a single shot is all it takes. Especially when that single shot is right between the eyes."



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