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Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)

This long, curved sword is made from a dark metal and has a rippled edge. When you swing it, tufts of raw shadowstuff split and tear along its edge, as if you were slicing through smoke. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has the finesse property. If you're proficient with longswords, you are proficient with the shadowcutter.

Dark Draw. When you draw this weapon and make an attack with it as part of the Attack action on the same turn, you can replace the first attack you make with it with a special strike. When you do, the sword swings out in a devastating arc, which extends from you in a 15-foot cone of wicked shadow. Make a melee attack with the sword against each creature within the area, with a separate attack roll for each target: on a hit, a target takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage from the attack. If any of the sword's d6 damage dice roll a 6, the target must also succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of your next turn. Once this property of the sword has been used, it can't be used again until 1 minute has passed.


In a single motion, the ronin drew his blade and slashed through the air. It passed through the commander and the soldiers before him, leaving not even a scratch on their armor. He sheathed his blade again, unbothered.

No one moved, nor had a drop of blood been spilled. The commander looked perhaps colder, as if struck by a sudden chill.

The ronin then spoke, "If you still wish to die, return with more men."

The commander spat out, indignantly, "More? You're outmatched, and—"

He finally smelled the blood. When he turned, he saw the corpses of his soldiers, cleaved with an assassin's precision.




A one minute cooldown seems a little OP. I know it's six rounds of combat, but I'd restrict that to once per long rest. At least, that's how I'd homebrew this item in my campaign.

Sam B. Spivey

For a very rare item that requires attunement, I think once per minute is fine — compare it to many of the spells that casters can use at the level characters start getting very rare items (many of which can be used more than once per day, if not more than once per combat) and it balances well. Besides, getting enough enemies in that cone to justify a use of the ability is situational anyway, and entirely dependent on the DM.