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Ring, rare

This ring is a hollow glass tube through which a single metal bearing rolls. The bearing never stops, regardless of your movement or gravity. Only a time stop spell causes the bearing to briefly pause.

While wearing this ring, the first time you're paralyzed, stunned, or affected by lethargy from the haste spell, you ignore the effect. Instead, you suffer the effects of the slow spell until the end of your next turn. Once this property of the ring has been used, it shouldn't be used again until the next dawn. Each time it's used again before then, there is a cumulative 20 percent chance that the effect fails, causing the ring to shatter into useless, nonmagical dust.


"I'd freeze those rrrotten adventurers in their tracks, but they will! Not! Stop! How I hate them! Them and their rrrolling rings!"

—Magister Otto Golemnik, creator of the (tragically fragile) paralyzer staff



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