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Weapon (trident), legendary (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)

This bident's prongs are designed as celestial wings. A ball of pure light radiates between the wings, which sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The light is sunlight. While holding the bident, you can use a bonus action to light or extinguish the ball. Alternatively, you can use an action to expand or reduce its radius of bright and dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 40 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each. If you're attuned to the celestial bident, you are considered proficient with it.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage to any target it hits while the ball of pure light is present in the bident. Immediately after you make a ranged weapon attack with the bident, it flies back to your open hand. While holding the weapon, you also gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.

Bestow Light. While the ball of light is present between the bident's prongs, you can use an action to touch a creature with the bident and confer the light into them. The ball disappears within the creature for 8 hours. For the duration, the creature can't be blinded, deafened, diseased, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned. If the creature is already affected by such a condition, the effects are suppressed for the duration of this effect. The ball of light returns to the bident at the end of the 8 hours or when the creature is reduced to 0 hit points. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, the ball lifts from the creature's body and returns to the bident, and the creature immediately regains 1 hit point. Once a creature has benefitted from this property, it can't do so again for 24 hours.

Guiding Bident. While holding the weapon, you can use an action to cast the guiding bolt spell from it, using your spell attack bonus. When you do, the bolt appears as a duplicate of the bident made of pure light, and on a hit, any allied creature within 10 feet of the target gains 10 temporary hit points.

At sunrise—might lent to the strength of arm.Sun above—the light to dispel evil.

At ev'ningtide—conviction to bestow.As shadows fall—a welcome new dawn.

'Tever life's hour—I'll ne'er be far from thee.A guiding glow—pray, I'll lead the way home.



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