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Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This pauldron is made of mourningsteel, a metal sometimes found below ancient battlegrounds. A tattered capelet bearing a crest hangs from it.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this pauldron. In addition, whenever you roll initiative and aren't surprised, you can immediately move up to 30 feet without provoking opportunity attacks, provided your speed isn't 0. While moving in this way, you can move through another creature's space, regardless of its size, and such a creature's space isn't considered difficult terrain for you. Your appearance becomes slightly ghost-like for the duration of this movement; you can force one creature you move through in this way to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 force damage on a failed save. While wearing the pauldron, you also have advantage on saving throws against effects from undead.

The pauldron has the spirits of 10 long-lost souls trapped within its metal. While wearing it, you can use the pauldron's following properties by calling upon the trapped souls; these properties use a spell attack bonus of +9 and spell save DC of 17. The pauldron regains the use of 1d8 + 2 spirits daily at dawn.

Spells. You can use an action to cast either the guardian of faith (4 spirits) or spirit guardians (3 spirits) spell from the pauldron. The spells appear as a ghostly formation of stalwart soldiers or a swirling whirlwind of weaponry, respectively.

Retaliate. When you take damage from another creature you can see within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to use 1 of the pauldron's spirits to make a melee spell attack against the triggering creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 + 4 force damage, and you gain 10 temporary hit points.

Spirit Swarm. As an action, you can use 3 or more spirits from the pauldron to create a formation of ghostly soldiers. The soldiers appear in an unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet of you. Treat the soldiers as a Large undead swarm: they can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and they can move through any opening as small as 1-inch across. The swarm has 10 hit points for every spirit used to create it, and it can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points. It has immunity to all damage and effects, but loses 10 hit points at the end of each of your subsequent turns. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to move the swarm up to 30 feet and make a melee spell attack against a creature in its space. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 + 4 force damage, or half as much damage if the swarm has fewer than half its hit points remaining. The swarm vanishes once it reaches 0 hit points. It vanishes early if you dismiss it (no action required) or if it's targeted by the dispel evil and good spell or similar magic.

Sentience. The pauldron of the lost legion is a sentient lawful good item with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 15, and a Charisma of 17. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.

The pauldron communicates telepathatically with its wearer and can speak, read, and understand Common. The pauldron's voice is cacophonous and echoing in your mind.

Personality. The pauldron of the lost legion's sentience is divided between the 10 spirits trapped inside, which were all a part of the same battalion long ago. Even once a spirit is used as part of one of the pauldron's properties, it returns to the item and can still be heard among their voices. The dominant personality of the pauldron is that of the battalion's leader, a gruff and tired man named Elrik Viccar. He is followed for eternity by his fellow soldiers, despite his wishes for them to pass on. Elrik is plagued with guilt and is certain that his actions led to his comrades' undeserved deaths.

Purifying the Pauldron. Unburdening Elrik of his guilt (which can be done at the GM's discretion) causes the pauldron to become purified, transforming it into a gold-hued metal called solacesteel when it happens. The solacesteel version of this item isn't sentient, but the spirits' spell attacks use a d8 damage die, instead of a d6.

The cleric leaned in closer to the metal on his shoulder, listening intently to something only he could hear. He paused in thought, then returned to his nightly ritual of pouring out drinks around the fire.

"Seems the pauldron's got a story to it," he began. "Well, ten of 'em, I suppose. Do any of us know an elf named Galan? Maybe it's a family name? It's been centuries since Bahrun, hopefully they're still around."

His companions traded thoughtful looks for a moment. Then, in an outburst of recognition from the half-orc, "Oh! Hang on, I think we saw a sign for a Galan in Orostead. Wizard of sorts—I mean, they got tons of wizards there, bit of a copper a couple situation, I guess. But still, I remember a sign with that name on it."

The cleric leaned back into the pauldron once more. After a pause, he nodded. "Seems likely, according to this one. If we can pay a visit to Galan, I'm sure we'd make ten souls—if not eleven—all the brighter for it. We'll pick some flowers along the way."



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