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Hi everyone,

Apologies for the inactivity this month. I'm going through a depressive episode and have found it hard to do anything, so I haven't been able to work much on animation or commissions.

If I am not feeling better by the end of the month I will pause billing for December.



thanks for the update, hope you are able to get some help to help deal with this and look after yourself. take care.


Take care of yourself first and foremost! The work can always wait.


Thank you for sharing. It can be tough sometimes...but force yourself to get out and get some fresh air and sights or food that raise your spirits!

Cory Welsh

Happens to everyone, do what ya gotta do

Marcus Canaday

Get well, everybody has those spells


Your mental health comes first, then the work, hope you feel better

Christian Roman

It is nov men mental health month take break you relax