December Plans (Patreon)
2021-12-02 05:10:46
Hi all, here's what I have lined up for December:
Mei Short Animation: I have ended up choosing the Mei eggnog BE idea, so I'll be making a short animation of that. I liked all the ideas but can only take on so much as I'm one person. If I end up having more time after finishing this, I might be able to do some photo sets of other scenarios that were proposed.
December is a busy month at my job, and I will try to make the animation as best I can with the time I will have, so it may be shorter than the usual ~1 min length. Regardless, I will try my best! I also posted an archive of all my projects so you can find them easier!
Thank you so much for supporting me, it's humbling to know people enjoy my work! <333