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 All the pixel arts I made for folks on Samurai Jack Day  (plus one request I was messaged) 




giantess Wonder Woman.


Awesome job, I love how my idea of a GTS WonderWoman turned out, so far everyone else likes it. So maybe that could be your next pixel animation, a size or power swap between WonderWoman and Gigantica

Mataku Lasame

Love the Gum! And that adorable Mini-Gum!


Striperella looks great ^^. The Giganta/Wonder Woman turned out really well, as well


Oh, thank you! I wanted to make a version of her that looked like the Mets from the Mega Man series.


Oh, thank you ^^ Actually, the next pixel related project I had in mind was making some assets for a few game ideas I had in mind. Size swap could be fun, though I'd have to do it one GIF at a time, starting with a GIF of Giganta standing in a pixel city with tiny Wonder Woman nearby. Then a GIF of a close up of Wonder Woman next to Giganta's big feet, using some kind of magical item that initiates the size swap, and so on. Sounds like something that would be Premium Content worthy, actually :)

(RJ) Roger

Pyrrha looks cute X 3.

Ash Coursey

I wanna see Frisk