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Done and done ^^


Mataku Lasame

Another one bites the dust!


awesome work as always Jackurai If your interested I got an idea for a flash that involves the girls from Teen Titans Go! and King Sized Canary


Might be awhile before I do anything with the Titans, but you can share your idea


Great how about this Raven is meditating in her room but is confronted by Terra Raven try's a shrink spell on her but it shrinks both of them Terra: well Thats just great Raven: Oh Shove it! As they continued their fight they hear loud foot steps Terra runs for cover Raven then sees Starfire Raven: oh crap Starfire looks down at her small friend and then picks her up Starfire: friend Raven you are the tiny and small. Raven: Yeah yeah i get it Starfire: Oh you are so cute I could just eat you up Starfire's stomach growls on cue as she licks her lips Raven is then scared out of her wits after hearing Star just as Starfire was about to eat her. Raven: Wait star you can't eat me! Starfire: I can't? Raven: I've seen this flash before. Starfire: you've have? Raven: yes before this flash is over I save your life Starfire then gets a sad look on her face due to the fact that she understands Starfire: but I'm still the Hungry Raven: well Terra is in the next room over eat her ;) A big smile comes across Stars face as she then spots Terra Terra: crap! but Terra is not even a mouthful Starfire then thinks of a way to "Fatten her up" as she then sees a red crystal with the words KSC on it Starfire: perhaps this crystal shall add more to you my little meal the crystal then zaps Terra and like Clockwork Terra slow grows fatter and taller Starfire in excitement then grabs Terra and rushes to the kitchen Terra still continues to grow taller and fatter until she's over 12ft tall as star puts Terra on the Table try's to eat her but she then sees the now massive Terra and then begins to run off in fright. Terra gets a wicked smile across her face and takes advantage of her new size and pounces up on Starfire. Starfire then Turns the tables on her by taking the crystal and using it on herself and become rotund and 28 feet. Terra then notices this and runs of Starfire then kisses the crystal and throws it out the window the crystal then lands near Blackfire BF: huh whats this? The Crystal then zaps her Terra burst out of the entrance to Titans tower with Starfire in hot pursuit Terra then runs around the corner of Titans tower and comes to a screeching halt she then backs up and looks up (the audience doesn't see anything yet ;) ) and then stands there confidant. Starfire then stops to see why Terra isn't afraid of her anymore Terra then point to the side of the building Starfire looks over only to see her sister fat and 50 ft tall. Starfire then runs off horrified Blackfire then pulls out the crystal that made her huge and kisses it She tosses the crystal in a hole in the roof of the tower, where it rolls straight to the still small Raven who was trying to make herself normal sized. Blackfire proceeds to chase her "little" sister into the city raven then picks up the crystal Raven: this is the crystal that.... The crystal then zaps raven. she a naughty smile comes across her face Raven: my turn. Raven then slowly gets bigger Blackfire chases Starfire to the city Star then runs around a building and comes to a screeching halt she then backs up and looks up (the audience doesn't see anything yet ;) ) and then stands there confidant. Blackfire stops then stops to see why Starfire isn't afraid of her anymore Star then points to the side of the building Blackfire looks over only to see a 30 stories tall Rotund Raven to show up Raven (confidant smile) : Boo. Blackfire runs off. Starfire is relieved to see Raven. Raven: See star like I said at the beginning I saved your life Starfire: Oh thank you friend Raven Star hugs Raven Raven pulls out the crystal from her cleavage Raven: And here's the crystal that did the whole trick She hands it to Star Raven: well see ya Star. She walks off Star: goodbye. Starfire then realizes something Star: but wait! i'm still the hungry Starfire then looks at Raven as the word "Food" appears on her back Starfire then uses the crystal on herself to grow 3x the size of Raven and goes after her Raven: Uh-Oh Starfire chases Raven all around the world. as they make it to a nearby city Starfire accidentally drops the crystal and Raven catches it and proceeds to triple her size dwarfing Starfire. Starfire then kicks it out of her hands and uses it on herself the 2 go back and forth and until the crystal dies out (a close up on the girls upper bodies) Raven: um whoa Starfire: Raven I think we may have taken this too far? Raven: Yeah both girls turn o the audience Raven: well I hope you all had a great time watching this Starfire: Oh yes we hope you had the wonderful time pans back to see the girls are standing atop of earth and waving to the people so basically its this: <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x51tafu_king-size-canary_fun" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x51tafu_king-size-canary_fun</a> but with the girls of TTG! let me know what you think