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So, I have most of the transformations figured out at the moment. Irma, for example will have a giantess transformation. 

I'm just looking for easter egg suggestions.

I do have a few already planned, like snake Karai voring April. But I'd still like to hear some suggestions for you guys

 Like the other night, there was a bit of a discussion about easter eggs for Irma's butt expansion path. I'm considering several, including making her butt bigger, having April come in and smack her heiny, and Irma sitting on a shrunken April. 

So, feel free to make your suggestions here. Or if you've already made the suggestion on a previous post, state it here any. I'll use this post as I'm deciding on which eggies to include.



MOAR giantess. But that's what I always say.


How about some GTS or shrinking action, Also how about some Hourglass expansion for April and Irma or atleast a breast expansion

shard zerune

how about a fusion like the beam malfuctions and pulls the other 2 into the one your one to make one super girl

Mataku Lasame

Shrunken April sit gets my vote~


Sumo giantess Irma meet sumo April.

Scott Fine

Anything that makes them fatter or giantess is fine in my book.


I'll consider it. I do have fusions for some of the others, already ^^


I'll consider one more expansion for her ^^


hourglass and height expansion, adding more is always better. Bigger butt for Irma sounds great (Just repeats of your comments and those of others). Only thing I can think of outside of those things is the device malfunctioning making strange fusions of the separate expansions and transformations criss cross to different people. It's seems complicated for you to go back a do that though. Just suggestions. Good shit so far!


Or how about all 3 fused into one sexy curvy glamazon goddess


Could be fun :) Maybe for added fun, I could base some of the design on Gem Fusions (added arms, goddess-like qualities)