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Some Irma assets, based on your suggestions ^^

Sumo sized, butt expansion, fusion, and muscle!

For fusion I mostly altered her hair and made her hips and chest bigger, taller. Not sure what else I can do for more of a fusion-y feeling ^^; 

Only thing I can think of is adding arms or something like that~ 




Nice work I'll going with sumo or the fusion.

Mataku Lasame

Some very lovely Irmas~


The bigger the better, good shit Jackurai.


Woo. Finally my payment from last month went through. Had to mess around with paypal for a bit. ^^ If you ever get the time, could you add the butt expansion Irma sitting on a tiny April?


beautiful work how about make her a mutant Lizard with some WG and Muscle with that?


Possibly ^^ I might need to make a separate topic post for easter egg suggestions.


Hmm, did she mutate into a lizard in the original series? I was prolly just going to include a giantess growth for her as her special transformation.