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Giantess Katara, like a lot of you suggested ^^

I'll make an animated loop, eventually. Just need to think of something giantess-y for her to do. 




Maybe a little city under her or her party looking up at her.


ya stomping on a little fire nation city!

Mataku Lasame

Maybe a big buff Toph trying to hold up Katara's foot?


Maybe ^^ I would want to try a city stomp, sometime. Though it would take time to first make a detailed city, then a detailed city with a foot shape pattern of destruction ^^


And it sounds very lovely but I can see why it would be kind of a hassle. Oh well. Still excited what you do with this new medium you've found.


I got some suggestions How about Katara holding Aang in her boobs, Katara lounging in huge Lake, Katara cuddling Appa like a teddy bear, Katara playing with some fire nation buildings That's all I got so far


Just thought of some more Cuddling those 2 Dragons that Aang and Zuko confronted, having the fire nation ships as bath toys and toying with Azula