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A friend of mine has a Commission Tier on his Patreon, which is awesome *nods*

I might consider doing something similar. 

Limit it to around 4 Patrons per month, maybe $120 monthly tier. Maybe more.

Patrons in this tier get an animation each month (background, limit 1 to 2 characters, 4-5 seconds in length, allow more mature content)

Just a thought for now ^^

Thoughts? Takers? :)



I wouldn’t be able to pay but it definitely is a sound idea. I hope if you choose to do it you get takers.


Could you make it $100? Definitely something to consider


I'd be totally down


I'll think about it. Not a huge difference though, just $20, and I do think my services are worth it ^^ I don't want to short change myself and have someone sit on a commission slot forever.

Scott Fine

Too rich for my blood but I'm sure people would love the option.

Thomas Johnson

Hmmm, I'm on the edge for it that's for sure....


That will add in a ton of work every month. On top of that, If you started this I doubt those 4 people would ever leave. So you would be doing commissions for them for a long time.


Strong agree. f you were to wan to do this four might be too many, maybe limit to 2 and if you think more time opens up later, increase to 3 or 4, but definitley start small first.


Far too expensive. Especially for how many others I' m supporting


Might be fun to do once in a while.


Sounds like something I'd do for a month and then let someone else take a slot. Sounds good