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Heard a lot of good suggestions for this one, but I ended up choosing Rainbow Mika. 

Partly because she's a video game character and she's in a fighting game. But mostly because she has a butt bomber move similar to Peach's :3

Now I just need some fusion assets for the two of them ^^




IF she makes sense then I say go for it.

Aaron Rupp

Nice to see my Rainbow Mika suggestion was good enough. ^^ Going to be really interesting to see what happens when those huge, explosive rears collide. XD


LOL, I'm still figuring it out, myself ^^ Prolly a slow motion moment as their rumps collide.. maybe with a close up, followed up with a nuclear blast that fuses them together :3

Philip Sgrignoli

perhaps after they fuse, they can booty bump or booty crush an opponent like Ryu perhaps since Ryu is in both Smash Bros for Peach and of course Street Fighter.


Mm, might have to ask my Patreon supporters for suggestions on who that would be *nods*