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Some assets for a scenario that was suggested earlier ^^ I said I'd get around to it after I finished Peach's Body Adventure. 

Basically, Peach and another character will butt bomber each other, joust style. But I'm still considering who that should be. 

Any suggestions? Let me know. Otherwise, I'll fall back on the other character that was suggested: Willow from A Kind of Magic



Mataku Lasame

I'mma suggest Zeena from Sonic Lost world!

Bob Fassa

Suggesting Rosalina from mario galaxy.


Nice ^^ Ooh, there's actually a few pictures out there with Peach and Rosalina doing that :3


Not familiar with her, but from what I've browsed just now, she looks like a cutie :3 Hmm... have anyone else in mind, maybe with bigger hips?

Deliciously Decadent

And side note: I mentioned before could peach and whomever shes versing fuse. Example: When their butts super crash against each other they become one and before they realize it they turn into one gigantic woman with the biggest butt in the land . So is that doable?


Samus, perhaps? Though Rosalina fits better in a Mario theme.


Well.. it's more of a Smash Bros theme, if you think about it ^_-


Why not Rosalina? I think that'll fit

Aaron Rupp

I just thought of one. What about Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter V? Considering some of her moves look an awful lot like the Peach Bomber and I believe one in particular is referred to as the "Flying Peach" these two colliding their massive rears almost seems like a match made in Heaven... unless you were caught between them. XD


LOL ^^ Well, I was strongly considering Samus, but I just looked up Mika and yeah, she does have that sweet move ^_^ So, she's a strong contender, now