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I wanted to try something new/different, but I don't know if I will do it again because I am not satisfied with the result.

I don't know how many people know the old scene of Ataru Moroboshi ( Lamu ) being tickled on the foot.

I think it's pretty famous.

it's one of those scenes that I've always thought are animated really really well. it's really a rare thing to see such a long animation with the feet that keep changing positions, while the toes are wiggling all the time.

I always thought it was one of the best animated tickle scenes, and I always seemed to think it was a wasted scene on a male character. 

That's why I decided to reproduce Sandy in the same animation and also added the finger that is missing in Moroboshi's scene.

Why am I not satisfied? Because I made something that is not completely mine and therefore I did not enjoy it very much. I prefer to work on totally new animations.

I hope you enjoy it anyway.

You can download the file with the sound effect.
