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I want to create a survey that I have never done.

I think it will be fun.

The various ticklers I have created have not met yet. 

You have to choose who will be the two ticklers who will face each other.

The two with the most votes will be represented in an illustration ( and maybe a comic page )

Who will tickle who?

P.S. I did not include Queen Finger because she is intangible and because every month there is the weak spot series.



Dude that’s awesome!!😱😱😱 I’m definitely voting for Xenia and Nova! XD XD XD


I'm sure it would be a fantastic challenge. Those are your two favorite ticklers, if I'm not mistaken.


Io farei Xenia versus le gemelle! In combo devono essere devastanti!


I feel like Jude is by far one of the least tickled girls is your lineup. If people remember, Jude just tickled Xenia in one of the previous comic lineups. But Nova has only been tickled like once and in a group setting. She has never truly been overpowered and turned into a begging mess. At the same time, Nova's strength and power makes it fun to see her on the receiving end


Jude was tickled only twice. The tickler most tickled was Xenia. Who knows how the poll will end?