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I am going crazy while making this comic.

I can't tell you how much time this still unfinished work is occupying.

For the first time I decided to make a comic that had a lot of shading and light effects, and it is obviously exhausting. I don't know if I will do it again, but it's not because I'm lazy, it's that otherwise you would have very little content on Patreon XD

Also, know that I had initially planned about 10 pages for Yunari Battle, and instead it will be as many as 25.

I couldn't stop creating new scenes and ideas, and so the story got much longer.

After this madness, I would like to make small stories of two or three pages, so I can show you all my characters. 

In May, Sandy don't break the vase, will be concluded, and in June, Yunari Battle will begin.

I hope you will look forward to it. <3




The teaser looks wonderful and the new style is a nice bonus. Will there be much tickling in this new comic?


Oh, what a good answer. Very pumped for this. Love me some musclar lady teases and tickles.


I can’t wait for this comic and see yunari get her feet tickled


I hope I will not disappoint you. I am very excited to finally draw a story with Yunari. 👣❤️


Hey trapped dreamer, quick question about your female oc’s. Are they based on anyone you know?


Great work! cant wait until she gets caught in a leg lock foot tickle hold! :)


DUDE THERE AREN’T ANY WORDS TO TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I AM FOR THIS!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 A FULL COMIC COLOURED WITH SHADING AND LIGHTING??! I never thought I would see the day you do something like that. 🤯🤯🤯 And What the hell? It was only originally supposed to be 10 pages!? You’re not sane at all! XD (my jaw dropped when I read that there will be “25 pages” 🤯) I myself wonder if Sunako will make her debut in this comic….don’t tell me anything 😆 I know you said that you probably won’t do it again…but I hope that you do this again 🤣 But Maybe on a more smaller scale like 6 pages. And maybe it would only be once a year or something. But that’s just me being selfish XP Do you think this comic will surpass the Sandy and QueenFingers comic? 👀 Because I consider that comic to be a 11/10 June can’t come soon enough ❤️❤️❤️


I’m actually surprised that “Yunari battle” is getting so much attention from you. I thought for sure that “fighters” would be the title with the highest production quality. Not that I’m complaining at all by the way I’m still very happy that this is happening.


Only Jude and Xenia. I took a cue from two girls who tickled me a bit in the past. &lt;3 But I've changed them a lot compared to the people I was inspired by.


Maybe I'll only be able to do something like this for the "Fighters" comic book, but don't count on it too much. I risk leaving you without content. XD It became 25 because I had to add things that came to mind as I was writing. XD I can't tell if this comic will surpass Sandy's. I think Queen Finger's cruelty is unsurpassed, but you be the judge. Coincidentally, June is the release of Street Fighter 6. For me it will be a month focused on fighting. XD


I hope we see Yunari’s true strength BEFORE it’s rendered useless ❤️ Make it a month of fighting and laughter! XD P.s it’s very minor but I’m very excited for the fight choreography &lt;3